Questions and answers

Affected of the cut of money is,

  • who receives social welfare benefit under the Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz and
  •  lives alone or alone with children and
  •  lives in a camp or Übergangswohnheim.

See „Who is affected“;

By looking at your „Bescheid“ from the Amt für Soziale Dienste. It is easy to see if the money for your personal need has been cut. Normally, it should be 162 € every month, but it is only 146 € per month (figures for year 2021) if you belong to the group of people in question.

The german parliament changed the law in 2019. Since then, singles and single parents are being treated as if they were family with other residents of their camp. The government claims, this way you‘ll need 10% less.

  • People who don‘t know each other, are urged to keep house as one family, even though they don‘t want to.
  • The claim, keeping a joint household together with others will save you 10 % in expenses is a lie.
  • Social benefits under Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz are not enough anyway.

Critical lawyers consider the law unconstitutional on this point. Some courts have already decided that way. We expect the high federal court to rule like this as well. Even before this decision, the local court or the authority could make a positive decision. We are very optimistic about chances to be successful.

The request to run a household together as strangers to one another is discriminatory. During the pandemic, it is also impossible or even prohibited because of the distancing rules.

If you receive money under § 3 AsylblG (during the first 18 months of residence), the difference is 36 € per month (€ 432/year). Those who receive benefits under § 2 AsylblG, lose 45 € every month (540 € /year). With an application/request for review in this year, benefits backdated from 1.1.2020 can be demanded.

Sorry, we don’t know that. They will of course reply back soon. But the final decision could be weeks or months, or even more than a year, if the social wants to wait for the constitutional courts’ decision. If you can not wait that long, you might consider taking the matter to court.

Sure, the steps to take are called “Widerspruch” and “Überprüfungsantrag”.

Overview Payments 2020

Overview Payments 2021

Overview Payments 2022

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